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Recycling and Waste Removal


City Sanitation, Department of

All businesses in New York City are required to recycle and dispose of all types of waste through a licensed carting company, or a registered carting company (for construction and demolition debris only).

To locate a carter, use Business Integrity Commission link in Additional resources.

All businesses must post and maintain decals listing their carter(s) and collection day(s). Additionally, all businesses must let employees and customers know what and how to recycle by posting signs at their business location(s).

Businesses are required to recycle different materials based upon their business category. For more information, follow the Info for Businesses link in Additional resources.

Certain businesses, due to their industry category (such as retailers, auto service stations, and hospitals), are required to take back specific products from the public for recycling and disposal. For more information, follow Take-it-Back link in Additional resources.

Street Events are required to recycle and handle their waste and recycling collection. See Recycling at Street Events link in Additional resources.

Businesses must also follow a variety of state and federal disposal guidelines for hazardous and universal wastes, such as florescent bulbs, electronic items, rechargeable batteries, medical waste, motor oil, and items containing CFC, or Freon. Many of these materials are banned from disposal with regular commercial trash. For more information, see Commercial Waste Bans in Additional Resources.

The Department of Sanitation recommends that businesses explore options to donate, sell, or reuse unwanted items. For assistance, follow link to ReuseNYC link in Additional Resources.

Please consult the Department of Sanitation's Rules and Regulations PDF in Additional Resources.

NYC Business Integrity Commission (BIC)

Licensing Center

100 Church Street, 20th Floor

New York NY 10007
Phone (212) 437-0555
Fax (646)-500-7096

NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY)

Bureau of Waste Prevention, Reuse and Recycling

P.O. Box 156, Bowling Green Station

New York NY 10274
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