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Dealer Registration - Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles or Trailers, Official Business Certificate


State Motor Vehicles, Department of

This registration allows a business to buy, sell, or deal motor vehicles, motorcycles, or trailers weighing more than 1,000 pounds. Businesses register with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.

Businesses that sell less than five vehicles in a calendar year do not require a license. This registration does not allow a business to deal mobile or manufactured homes, emergency and recreational vehicles, or campers.

Dealers must now use the VERIFI system for some basic transactions. Visit VERIFI for more information on this system.

NYS Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

Bureau of Consumer and Facility Services

Empire State Plaza

P.O. Box 2700

Albany NY 12220-0700
Phone (518) 474-0919
Fax (518) 473-0160
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